Monday, December 31, 2012

Yummy Coffee With Extra Benefits

If you haven't heard of Green Mountain Coffee you should check them out.  You can get more information about them on Bzz Agent.  I was selected by Bzz Agent to give the new wellness blends a try.  We don't have a K cup machine at home, so I sent them to work with my husband.  If you know my husband you know he is a coffee snob.  He likes good coffee and will always pay extra for it.  So he was the perfect tester for these brews.

My husband drank the coffee super fast.  He really liked it, especially the Focus Blend.  It helped him to concentrate better at work.  The Antioxidant blend is also great for this time of year.  Everyone can use some extra vitamins C & E, especially during cold and flu season.

The other great thing about these particular blends is that they are Fair Trade Certified.  If you're not sure what this means you can read more about it at Green Mountain Coffee  Basically they are making sure that farmers are being paid a fair wage.  Green Mountain Coffee also supports sustainable forestry and small farmers.  It's a win win.  You get amazing coffee at a reasonable price all while doing your part to help others.  If you're a little strapped for cash you can order online at Keurig or Green Mountain Coffee both have great loyalty programs to help you save on your coffee.

My husband liked this brew so much we decided to try a few other brews from Green Mountain Coffee.  They have all been really great.  We will continue to use them in the future.

If you haven't already, don't forget to check out Bzz Agent they always have amazing sampling opportunities like this one.  We received free coffee samples and amazing coupons that we were able to share with our friends and family so they could try it too.

Monday, December 24, 2012


I was picked by Bzz Agent to try out Eukanuba for free in exchange for my opinion.  We actually have been buying Eukanuba for our dogs for the past few years.  We decided to look for a new dog food when our oldest dog started having some health problems and gaining too much weight.  We found that Eukanuba was made with all natural ingredients.  Since switching our dogs they are a lot shinier and have healthier teeth and gums.  From the research I did I found that finding a dog food that started out with a meat ingredient, and real ingredients is much better for your dogs.  Having a healthy diet will help your dogs stay healthy and live longer lives.

Eukanuba is definitely a premium dog food and costs more than other dog foods.  If you can afford to switch your dogs it's definitely worth it.  It has the potential to cut down on vet bills since your dogs will be healthier.  Unfortunately there aren't coupons available very often. 

I received a fun little black light from Bzz Agent.  If you want to check out your dogs current gum situation let me know.  Then if you decide to switch to Eukanuba for a trial run you can check their gums after a few weeks.  You will definitely see a difference, and who doesn't appreciate dogs that have less smelly dog breath?

Don't forget to check out Bzz Agent to see what campaigns you qualify for! And check out the campaign page for Eukanuba.